Wednesday, May 22, 2013

May 22, 2013


On Wednesday, May 15th, Haynie Public Library hosted a training workshop for several libraries across the state. The training was on how to use the Cisco Video Conferencing System the library recently acquired through funds received from the BTOP Grant. BTOP stands for Broadband Technology Opportunities Program.  With these funds, the library is able to offer video conferencing. Video Conferencing leverages telecommunication technology to allow two or more locations to interact live two-way simultaneous, video and audio. Some potential uses of video conferencing would be Education, Distance learning (K-12), college, continued education; NASA and other government/business; real-time streaming video programs; health- tele-consultation, remote health monitoring, remote health training and certification, Employment-remote job training, job interviewing; Economic Development-Enhance communication with remote business partners and investors; Egovernment-Communication with loved ones in military, town-hall meetings, streaming government speeches. The library has adequate space with conference table, seating and lighting in order to accommodate the equipment which includes a 52” screen. Richard Anderson, Anderson Corp LLC is the technician that is in charge of the installation and all technological issues.

Lance Ford with Cisco Systems was on hand to teach the class.

Library director Pam Batson and library assistant Carol Hunter attended this workshop.


This Friday, May 24, kids can start signing up for the summer reading program. This year's theme is "Dig Into Reading!" Any child age 5 and up can join.  When you come in to sign up you will receive a reading log, bag and a bookmark. You set a goal on how many books you would like to read and as you reach certain areas of your goal, you will be rewarded with a prize. Once you reach your goal, you will receive a ticket to attend the Family Fun Day which will be held the last Wednesday in June at the Prague park. Each Wednesday at 10:30 a.m., for the month of June, we will have a program for the kids to enjoy which will be held at the community center. The programs that we will have on hand are as follows: June 5th, Extreme Animals; June 12th, Gordon Cooper Community Center will host a program on gardening; June 19th, Magic Michael and June 26th, Family Fun Day at the Prague park. At each program there will be door prizes awarded!

For children ages 2 -5 we will have a Toddler Time with a story & prizes each Wednesday from 9:30=10:00 a.m. at the library.

Come and join up!